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Treatments and Therapies

Body Acupuncture

Our Body Acupuncture treatment uses very thin needles to stimulate points in the body to relieve symptoms such as pain or chronic health conditions. See some of the conditions we treat here. Acupuncture focuses on directing the flow of energy (qi) around the body to to correct imbalances that can lead to illness. Acupuncture naturally releases endorphins which help the body to heal. It will help rejuvenate your senses and invigorate your muscles. When you are better relaxed, you tend to make healthier choices, which in turn results in healthier lifestyles, and ultimately in a well balanced individual.


Facial Acupuncture

Facial (cosmetic) acupuncture will put your body at ease, stimulating blood flow and collagen to the face to improve overall complexion. It also helps to reduce wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness, jaw tension or acne and remove blockages throughout the body. This relaxing treatment focuses on the face, neck & hairline.

Woman in an acupuncture therapy at the health spa.jpg

Cupping and Moxa

Traditionally used to compliment acupuncture, invigorate blood-flow and jump start your immune system. Glass cups are applied to the skin using suction to help reduce pain, inflammation, migraine, anxiety and to improve circulation.

Image by Katherine Hanlon
Treatments: Treatments & Services
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